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What is an organisation’s responsibility when it comes to the growth and development of its team members? 

By Kristy O'Connor

What are five key truths leaders must come to terms with to ensure the continued growth and development of their team? 

As a practitioner, I was privileged to be a part of an organisation that nurtured my growth and development. Now, as Clinical Director of KEO Care, I understand the responsibility falls on me to recreate this support for my own team. Here are five important insights I believe are essential for leaders to understand in order to create a supportive environment for their employees. 

Careers are dynamic, not static

More likely than not, your team members are not going to feel fulfilled standing still for too long. Understanding that growth and development are an important part of your team’s career goals is crucial. Even if a team member is unsure as to whether, or where, they wish to progress, leaders need to discuss and provide potential options. If pathways for development aren’t provided, it cannot come as a surprise if team members decide to seek these supports out elsewhere.

The standard you set is the standard that is met

You cannot expect your team to progress if you do not provide the support, opportunities, and resources to do so. As leaders, it is essential we keep our fingers on the pulse of industry innovations and best practices that will support team members to achieve optimum participant outcomes. From providing job embedded opportunities and internal workshops, to external professional development allowances, it is our responsibility as leaders to nurture an environment that pushes the potential of our teams. 

Your team’s time is precious

As leaders, we need to take a degree of ownership over how our team spends their time within work hours. As well as serving people in the community and connecting with teammates, we need to ensure team members have time to reflect on their career goals and practices, identify and partake in new areas of learning, and consolidate new strands of knowledge into their work practices. This should include touching base with our team regularly so we are able to identify when they may be struggling to manage their time effectively and offer further supports to create space for dedicated learning. 

Complacency is easy but not optimal

Your organisation is doing great. Great. That does not mean you stop looking for ways to develop it.  Along with our team, we need to remain open to ongoing growth and development. Just because we are leaders, does not mean we have nothing left to learn. I find that nurturing new approaches from team members is a great way to encourage both the growth of they and myself.  

The buck stops with you

At the end of the day, leaders are accountable for the growth and development of their team. It is up to us to create an environment that supports team members to push their boundaries and achieve their career goals.  Anything less is not enough.

About the author

Kristy is the visionary force behind KEO Care, serving as the Clinical Director and founder. With over 15 years of industry experience as a dedicated physiotherapist, Kristy’s journey led her across multiple settings, including hospitals and private practices, before finding her true calling in community and aged care.

At KEO Care, Kristy drives our commitment to clinical excellence, imparting invaluable leadership and guidance. Her passion for forging genuine connections extends beyond her team to encompass a profound understanding of individual goals, nurturing the full potential of her colleagues and ensuring the best outcomes for our participants.

Kristy is passionate about forging genuine connections with her team to wholly understand their goals, foster their full potential, and support them to achieve the best participant outcomes.