Mobility assessments
Our physiotherapists are movement experts. They can assess how you move – and set a plan with you to reach your movement goals. Best of all, we can support you at home or in community.
If you need assistance with transfers and mobility, our physiotherapists also can educate your supports on how to best help you – while building your capacity.
Functional activity & strength program
Our bodies help us perform meaningful activities in our day-to day lives.
Yet sometimes, our strength, flexibility or movement stops us from participating in activities that are important or fun.
Through functional activity and strength programs tailored to your routine, our physiotherapists can help you reach your goals and participate in meaningful activities.
Balance training & falls prevention
Have you had a recent fall – or perhaps you’re worried about the prospect of one?
We can help enhance your balance to minimise your chance of future falls and related injuries.
We can also assess the safety of your home to further eliminate risks.
Assistive technology
To help you reach your goals, an assistive technology solution may be right for you. Yet, choosing the right technology solution to embed into your life can be overwhelming.
That’s where our physiotherapists step in. We’ll use our expertise to source, adapt and prescribe the right solution that will support you in reaching your goals and participating in important activities.
Aquatic therapy & hydrotherapy
Our physiotherapists can run tailored sessions with you at your local hydrotherapy pool to help you achieve your goals.
Also a great place to connect with your community and exercise without the pain of weight-bearing – your local pool can facilitate:
- Walking practice
- Balance practice
- Core and muscle strengthening
- Trunk stability practice
- Cardiovascular fitness
- Stretching and movement
- Relaxation and sensory regulation
Neurological rehab
Adjusting to life at home after a neurological event can be a challenge.
At KEO, we understand that the first weeks and months after leaving rehab are critical in building a solid foundation.
Our physiotherapists can use a range of techniques to provide the specialist support you need to return to the activities you love.
Respiratory treatment
If you suffer from a chronic respiratory condition or need routine clearing of your airways, we can help.
Our physiotherapists will listen to your chest, assess your condition, advise on appropriate breathing techniques and provide postural/positioning education to optimise your respiratory function.
We can also work with you to implement strategies to improve your participation in daily activities – and advise on assistive breathing devices if suitable.
Pressure care & positioning
If you spend a prolonged amount of time sitting or lying down, you want to feel as well-supported and comfortable as possible.
Our physiotherapists can assess and recommend appropriate pressure care solutions to meet your needs.
We may also implement a positioning program and educate your supports to help maintain your comfort and skin health.
Make a referral
To see how our physiotherapists can support you, see our NDIS referral form